Environmental Policy

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Environmental Policy

Cooper Group Ltd recognises and understands its’ responsibility towards the environment. It is our intention to ensure that all our operations and services are undertaken and delivered in a way that seeks to minimise any adverse impact they may have on the environment. To this end we will ensure that:-

  • Our vehicles are maintained to the highest standard to reduce the environmental impact of their operation.
  • Any products that we use are well managed and stored to reduce the possibility of pollution.
  • Our premises are well managed and that good housekeeping will be paramount in their operation. Premises will be well maintained both structurally and internally.
  • Noise will be reduced wherever possible and consideration given to the noise impact our workshops may have on others. We will take any possible noise pollution into account when implementing new operations or procedures and make every effort to design in reductions in noise where possible.
  • All equipment used in our operation will be well maintained to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible.
  • The principles of reducing, re-using and recycling waste are implemented and the procedures for the same will be robustly applied.
  • All waste materials are only disposed of through a licensed waste carrier including all products that cannot be re-used or recovered.
  • Where possible we will exclude environmentally harmful products and processes from being used in our operations or through our suppliers.
  • Both for ourselves and through advice to our customers that end of life vehicles and equipment are disposed of properly.
  • Cooper Group Ltd will strive to ensure that their processes and procedures comply with any environmental protection legislation and guidelines and where possible, exceed them.

Contact Us Today

Cooper Hire is a Midlands based Municipal Vehicle Hire Specialist, offering a wide range of Waste Management / Municipal Vehicles.