Customer Care Policy

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Customer Care Policy

Cooper Group Ltd aims to provide the highest standard of service to it’s customers. We will set clear standards of service and will review these regularly to ensure they are relevant and effective based on our premise that the customer is the most important element of our business.We expect all staff to set very high standards of behaviour based on our aim and to provide service in a courteous, timely and helpful manner. Staff will be positively encouraged to offer suggestions for improvement in customer service and Cooper Group Ltd will strive to implement these where reasonably possible. Staff will be trained (including refresher training) to enable them to deliver the highest possible customer service.

Where customers have specific needs we will endeavour to provide our service in a way that accommodates these without reducing the customer service standards they have a right to expect. In order to achieve these objectives, Cooper Group Ltd will:

Complaints Complaint’s received either verbally or by written correspondence. Will be logged and the responsible staff member will be identified. Responses to complaints will be made within 7 working days. These responses will detail the results of the investigations and any actions to be undertaken to correct the complaint. Where a complain is unfounded responses will still be made showing why the complain has failed. Where actions for rectification have been identified then these will be included in the review documentation for Cooper Group Ltd to be incorporate in improvement plans.

If a customer is unhappy with the first response to their complaint they can refer this to the Managing Director for consideration.

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Cooper Hire is a Midlands based Municipal Vehicle Hire Specialist, offering a wide range of Waste Management / Municipal Vehicles.